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The Wisdom of Each Other: A Conversation Between Spiritual Friends
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Audible Audiobook
Listening Length: 2 hours and 34 minutes
Program Type: Audiobook
Version: Unabridged
Publisher: Zondervan Release Date: March 1, 2011
Language: English
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
The Wisdom of Each Other: A Conversation Between Spiritual Friends (1998) by Eugene Peterson is a unique, though beneficial, book. It is unique because it contains a series of letters addressed to Gunnar Thorkildsson, whom Peterson described as "not an actual person with an existence documented by birth certificate and social security number", though Peterson insists that the details were grounded in actual encounters he had over the years.In each of the several dozen letters Peterson penned, he responded to some actual circumstance of Gunnar's life--return to the faith, the poor quality of too much Christian literature, church politics, and the tranquility of canoeing. The unifying theme, as far as I am concerned, is a spirituality that does not exist above everyday life but rather enters into it and moves around in it. Peterson wisely showed us that. Although not my favorite book by Peterson, it is a welcome addition to my collection.
I haven't finished this book, Peterson is a scholar, so it takes a bit more time to get through his books. Never a quick read and move on. Thought provoking!
This is a very easy to read book. The format is intriguing and there are many times I laughed out loud.
Peterson is always wise, always to the point, and a great read. Wish I could sit at chat for hours. He is one of my favorite authors and this book does not disappoint.
Eugene Peterson writes with such a thoughtful poetic style that even the simplest discussion becomes a chapter of memorable phrases. He does not write for the christian self-help genre. He explores deep themes without getting caught up in programmatic answers.
Peterson has insights that make reading his books, a reflective experience. The issues he raises are timely, the argument thought-provoking. I find myself saying, 'I hadn't thought of that' more often with his work, than with many others. I highly recommend this one!
Eugene Peterson never dissapoints! This is a great book with great thoughts on the relational aspects of the spiritual life.
A delightful little book of short letters Pastor Peterson wrote to his fictitious (and yet totally real) friend Gunnar. Gunnar has come back to the Lord and to church after a 40 years absence and Peterson coaches him through the process. I love the bits of wisdom scattered through the letters and could make instant application to my own journey of faith and struggle with the church. This was the perfect book to read in the morning as I was beginning my day. Read a letter or two and then be on my way. Having finished this morning, I wish there were more.
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